What CMS Do You Use?

I use WordPress for all of my sites with exception of my .tel site which is managed and handled by TelNIC. The role of that site is just provide the absolute minimal contact information. That site will be considered as legacy. I still support it, but I no longer promote it.

Within WordPress, I use a few plugins. The first is Classic Editor. This reduces all of the noise that using the default editor would bring. While I am sure many are fine with the default editor, I have been using WordPress for years. I am just more comfortable with this editor plugin. The second is Classic Widgets. As with the editor, this brings a more dumb down version of the widgets. My theme only supports widgets left and below the content. Next is Redirection which is inactive for most of the sites, but will redirect a page to another page. I got this link because somewhere along the line, someone didn’t place a / after blog in the URL they were promoting of mine. This led to a number of 404 errors. I got the Redirection plugin for that, but installed it on my other sites as a just in case. Last, I have RSS Importer. I back up my sites every day that I make changes to them. This is to provide a means reinstalling my site if the worse came to worst, and I have a problem to where I would have to reset my site.

As for themes, I use the Coral Black theme which is the best one I can find, and matches my tastes pretty well. Since I want to keep everything uniformed, all of my websites uses this theme.